My Name is Katie Paluh, I have been a farrier for over a decade now. Working with many different breeds and disciplines, here in Virginia we get a little bit of everything. I incorporate my knowledge and experience to help your beloved equine.
I am a member of the American Farriers Association and the Virginia Horseshoers Association.
A Glimpse of Katie at Work
My Story
Every Farrier I have ever met has started into this field as a journey. Mine was definitely that, a journey. One that I didn't expect but more or less unfolded in front of me. Thinking back, I believe it chose me.
I didn't start out with a horse background or family ties like you will often times find in the horse world. My family was more of the motorhead sort, and I was always all about the animals. I started out riding when I was 9 at our neighborhood stables, riding my bike there and mucking stalls to "earn my keep". In my teenage years I then volunteered with another local barn with their therapeutic riding program. I learned from there how the horse and human relationship was so important.
In about 2005, I attended the Spotsylvania Career and Tech Center where I signed up for their metal trades program. I was the Skills USA president, won 1st in the welding contest for my district and placed 3rd in the state. I was the first female to place in either contest.
In later years I found myself at a crossroads. Trying to figure out exactly what I wanted to do as a career.
It was a suggestion from a family member that I should look into being a farrier.
After some thought and a little research, I decided I would.
I attended Danny Ward's Horseshoeing School in 2012, where I learned the fundamentals of horseshoeing.
I was determined to make this career a life. I spent long days at school under horses trying to learn as much as I could and many long nights at the forge (after a while Danny gave me keys to close and open the shop).
He introduced me to so many great farriers and people I aspired to be.
After school I then worked with many amazing farriers for several years after shoeing school. Working with multiple farriers thought me how to manage a business and shoe for a living and a purpose. I can't thank them enough.
I'd like to think it is my love of working with metal, growing up with an understanding of mechanics and the love of horses that has brought me to where I am now.